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The Paris Motor Show saw the launch of the Citroen DS. The DS stood out among its competitors due to its single-spoke steering wheel, large glove compartment and wide single-spoke steering wheels. Sales of the DS began quickly, with 800 bookings in the first hour of the show and more than 79,000 in the entire show. The Citroen DS cost a whopping 940,000 francs, and buyers had to pay a deposit of 80,000 francs before taking delivery of the car.


Citroen's flagship model car, the DS, was introduced in 1973. It was powered a 2.3-liter motor that produced 115 horsepower if carbureted and 128 horses when equipped for fuel injection. The car was so fast that the French speed limit of 118 mph was a rough estimate. Citroen began developing a replacement DS in 1970s. They developed Project L, which featured more aerodynamic styling and shared visual cues with the mid-level GS. Citroen opted against making another car before the DS was no longer available.

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Citroen DS boasts a rich heritage and is a popular choice among those looking for a classic vehicle. The DS was introduced in 1958. It remained in production until 2010, at which point it was discontinued as a separate luxury brand. The DS is a highly sought-after car and it commands a high price at international auctions. It is undoubtedly the most beautiful car ever built.

DS Pallas

From 1955 to 1975, the DS was a French automobile icon. It was famous for its innovative technology, aerodynamic design, and other unique features. It was also equipped with hydropneumatic suspension, which helped it to maintain a supple ride. The DS Pallas luxury model featured a separate front window. Citroen continues to produce some fine cars, even though the DS has been discontinued.

DS Hydropneumatic suspension

1955 was the first year that the Citroen DS Hydropneumatic suspension made its debut. Paul Mages created this suspension system that combines high-pressure pipework, hydraulic springs, and an independent rear suspension. In the end, hydraulic suspension systems were limited to high-end vehicles like the Mercedes-Benz E-Class (Audi TT) and the Mercedes-Benz E-Class (Mercedes-Benz E-Class). However, by late 1950s, many models had begun to use them.

DS Techeetah

Formula E's 2018 season saw the debut of the DS Techetah. Since 2003, every race was won by the DS. In 2019, the DS switched to supply Techetah. However, the new partnership proved successful in both the drivers' championship title and the teams' title. The DS Techetah was named World Touring Car Championship champion for the 2018/19 year.

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DS Techetah won the drivers' and team's championships

In the first season of the FIA Formula E Championship, the Citroen DS Techeeth finished fourth, but soon found itself at the top of the Teams' standings. Since its inception in 2003, the French manufacturer has dominated this series and won a race every season. DS switched to supplying the Techetah for the 2018/19 season. Jean-Eric Vergne won the drivers' title. This partnership paid off, with the Citroen Techetah placing first and second in Team standings.

An Article from the Archive - Visit Wonderland


Can I work as an auto mechanic without a degree? Do I have to study part-time?

Although it's not mandatory, a degree can help. Most employers prefer candidates who have studied for a full degree rather than those who haven't. This shows you have put in the work and achieved success.

It doesn't mean that you can't work while you study. Some universities let students complete their coursework in the summer and then continue their studies during the school year. Some universities allow students to take part-time classes throughout the year.

How can I prepare myself for a mechanic apprenticeship

It is vital to be able to comprehend what you are doing. It is important to know the basics of how cars work. This will make it easy to find the right place to start your first day in the garage.

You should also know how to fix common problems such as tires or broken lights.

These lessons will help you to identify and fix problems.

Also, it is important to know how parts fit together so that you can put them back together.

Finally, be proficient in using tools safely and efficiently.

These things will enable you to be a competent mechanic.

How long does an automotive course take?

A course in automotive lasts three years.

The first year is spent on theory, learning all about cars. The second year is dedicated to practical training, where you will learn how to fix cars, drive them, and do other jobs around the car. The last year of your training is spent on practical training, where you learn how to fix real-world problems.

Is being a mechanic apprentice hard?

It's not easy, however, it is very rewarding and offers many opportunities for growth.

You will need patience and perseverance. You will also need to be able fix cars, trucks and motorcycles.

Customers and relatives can exert a lot on you. However, you shouldn't be forced to make difficult decisions.

This is a career that you might enjoy if you are passionate about fixing cars. This is a job that allows you to earn a decent income and grow your business.

But you may prefer another path. In this case, you could consider becoming a technician instead.

This is where you use your technical skills to support other workers. You might be able to assist technicians in troubleshooting problems or teach them new techniques.

Another option is to become an advisor in service. You will offer assistance and advice to customers when they bring cars to a garage.

It all depends on your goals. There are many options to choose from, and it is up to you which one suits you the best.

What qualifications do you need to be a truck-mechanic?

Although you don’t have formal qualifications, you have extensive experience with engines and trucks. Your knowledge is valuable as you are able to quickly diagnose problems and work efficiently.

Also, your knowledge of diesel technology will be a benefit as you can help us understand which parts are needed for our vehicles.

How do I fix my vehicle as a hobby?

It's a great hobby to take on if you are passionate about cars. You could learn how to repair them, buy parts for them, sell them or just enjoy them. It would make a great pastime if you're looking for something different to do.

But it is not easy to turn this into your full-time occupation. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. It will also require a large amount of investment.

You might not have a compelling reason to get involved in the car industry.

How long does a good mechanic take?

Expert mechanics take years of practice and extensive experience. It is best to learn how to fix cars under the supervision and guidance of a professional mechanic.

You will be required to spend time at a car garage learning as much as you can about cars. You'll need to study mechanical engineering books on mechanics and car design.

Furthermore, you'll need to enroll in auto school.

It is important to get started early. Don't wait until you're older to begin studying automotive technology. You can get certified as a mechanic by getting started right away!


  • 52% of Mechanics in the United States think their salaries are enough for the cost of living in their area. (indeed.com)
  • Apprentice mechanics earn significantly less hourly than mechanics who have completed training, with a median wage of approximately $14.50 an hour, according to PayScale. (jobhero.com)
  • According to the BLS, total auto technician employment is expected to exceed 705,000 by 2030. (uti.edu)

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How To

How to avoid auto mechanic scams

Scamming by auto mechanics is a problem that consumers face. On average, a consumer spends $1500 per year on auto repairs. This means there are many people who will take advantage of this situation. If you are aware of what to look out for, you can avoid falling for scammers. These are some ways to spot scammers before they take your money.

  1. Never pay upfront. You should never pay upfront if someone asks. When work is complete, always request payment. You can call the Better Business Bureau (BBB) at 1-888-322-8138 if you are unsure if something is legal. They'll provide advice and guidance.
  2. Ask for references. The best way to ensure that you're dealing with a reputable service provider is to contact previous customers. Also, it's a good idea check online reviews. It is important to ensure that every business you deal has a positive reputation.
  3. Background checks are essential. Do background checks before you hire anyone. To check if complaints have been filed against the business, visit the BBB site. Also, ensure that the vehicle's license number belongs to the person who owns the business.
  4. Don't be afraid of walking away. Even if a business appears legitimate, scammers will try to get you to pay too much. If you feel taken advantage of, don’t hesitate to quit. There are many other businesses that you can choose from.
  5. Do not be lured into "free" service. There are many companies that offer free inspections and estimates. These companies are known for charging exorbitant prices later. Always ask about additional charges before agreeing to anything.
  6. Avoid being pressured. When a company offers you a great deal, it's because they think they can get away with charging you less than you deserve. It's possible that you have been pressured into buying something.
  7. Look for quality products. Look for quality parts when looking for a repair shop. If you are looking for new brake pads, don't choose a shop that sells cheap pads. Instead, shop for brakes.
  8. Get multiple quotes. It is important to compare prices from different shops. If you do this, you will have a greater chance of getting a fair deal.
  9. Keep records. Keep records of everything that happens during your repair. This includes invoices, receipts, and warranties. Notify your recipient of phone numbers or addresses.
  10. Stay informed


